Gear Grenztruppen patrol unit / Ausrustung Grenztruppen Posten

Gear Grenzdienstuniform:

  1. Dosimeter / left armpit

  2. Two Bandage packs (PVT) / left side trouser pocket

  3. Post diary (Postenführer) / right chest pocket 

  4. PSE / Communication device (Postenführer) / left side trouser pocket

  5. Y-belt

  6. Ammo Pouch

  7. Holster for flair gun (Postenführer) / left side

  8. Binoculars (Postenführer)

  9. Lunchbag / Sturmgepäck (Posten) / on the back of the Posten or inside the Postentasche

If necessary and ordered:

10. Rain cape / on the back fixated to the belt

11. Snow cape

12. Flash light / fixated with a grey platic button and ring trought the Y-belt

13. Journal for service in watch towers (B-turm) to write down (suspicious) movements of persons, cars and enemy soldiers (Postenführer) / Inner pocket

14. Compass / left arm pocket

15. Postentasche (not shown on the picture). See last picture below. It was most likely used to store either lunch or the handflares and the PSE.






Postenführer Grenzdienstuniform Nacht / Night

Posten Grenzdienstuniform front

Posten Felddienstuniform back (Sturmgepäck wasn't often worn in reality).

Detailled pictures of the equiptment