Volksmarine Kapitänleutnant Kleiner Gesellschaftsuniform
This is a Kapitänleutnant of the Volksmarine in a Kleiner Gesellschaftsuniform.
The Gesellschaftsuniform was introduced in 1975. The uniform shown is a Kleiner Gesellschafsuniform worn only with a ribbon bar and an academy badge. The Großer Gesellschaftsuniform was worn with medals and a dagger.
The academy badge on this uniform is from the Militärakademie Friedrich Engels. This was an academy attended by officers . The academy badge on this uniform is from 1986. This was the last year these badges featured the letters 'NVA' and were lacquered instead of enamelled.
This officer has an administrative career. The visor has a cream colored cover in the same color as the jacket. These covers are usually hard to find and should not be confused with the plain white cover.