Hauptmann Passkontrolle Einheiten 1970-1976 (PKE)
This uniform jacket was worn by the PKE and was made in 1974. PKE uniforms distinguished themselves in the 1970s from normal Grenztruppen uniforms because they had no black collar and also no green trim on the collar and arms. This jacket was worn this way before the introduction of the Grenztruppen cuff title on the 1st of december in 1976.
The trousers do have a green trim. Although part of MfS, members of the PKE did not wear MfS insignia during service. In 1974, when the Grenztruppen started wearing open collars, the PKE wore 'regular' green piped Grenztruppen jackets. The unpiped jackets however were still used and
This type of jackets were also worn by the Zivilverteidigung (staff) and air force in the 1970s. Of course with corresponding insignia LuSK/LV/ZV collar tabs.